What is the aim of travel writing? For me and Andy it involves sharing details and anecdotes about places that have wowed, delighted, and surprised us, hopefully including information that isn’t widely known. Usually that involves a location that still lies below the radar of the majority of British travellers. However, sometimes the most satisfying aspect of travel writing is being able to reveal a different side to an already hugely popular destination, like sharing our knowledge of the Tenerife many tourists don’t know.
For years, we’ve pushed the real Tenerife, the one beyond the resorts, and have enjoyed significant success changing perceptions through our guidebooks, websites, and travel articles. But there is one achievement which is especially satisfying.
Over the last decade or so, we’ve helped create Slow Travel holidays in Spain, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece, France, Britain, and Italy. Every one of them has brought their own rewards and a profound sense of accomplishment, but Inntravel’s Valleys, Vines & Volcanoes holiday stands out more than the others.

Ironically, you’ll probably find more Brits at the average market in Provence than you’ll find at a market in the north of Tenerife.
There are some destinations which are an easy sell as far as convincing people they’re suitable for discerning travellers, places like Provence in France or Tuscany in Italy. Then there are others where no matter how much anyone tells them they’re not what they might think, people will still be unconvinced. Tenerife is one of them, mainly thanks to one dimensional representation in Britain’s newspapers in the past; something that did improve at one point, but which has reverted to type somewhat over the last few years.
We were sniffy when a friend told us to give Tenerife a look when we were planning to leave Britain two decades ago, so I know exactly why people are dubious regarding claims about its stunning landscapes, rich history, unique culture, great gastronomy etc.
They’re wrong to be sceptical. But you don’t have to take my word for it.
Back in 2019, we revamped one of Inntravel’s two Tenerife offerings, helping create a Slow Travel discovery holiday that showcased what we believe to be some of the best bits of the island. Every so often, I take a peek at Inntravel customer reviews for the holiday to see how it’s being received. Each time I’m blown away by the response, especially from those who had never visited previously.
A selection of comments from the 22/23 winter season
“Always avoided Tenerife, but found walking the quiet trails in the National Parks to be an excellent holiday in March.”
“Incredible scenery, brilliantly choreographed by Inntravel.”
“We visited Tenerife for the first time with our 18-year-old daughter before A levels and were all completely bowled over by the beauty, spectacular scenery and world-class walking.”
“This was our first organised walking holiday and our first visit to Tenerife and we were really impressed with both. We thought the scenery on all the walks was stunning.”
“What an absolute delight to discover these beautiful areas of Tenerife. Varied scenery, a variety of stunning walks, and some truly amazing vistas.”
“This was a great trip and took us to places in Tenerife that we might not have discovered independently.”
Positive feedback is fuel to a writer, and this sort of feedback constitutes super fuel. It illustrates that Valleys, Vines & Volcanoes has done exactly what we all hoped it would, introduce people to the authentic side of an island that many people think they know, but which few, statistically speaking, actually do.
The final comment I’m sharing perfectly illustrates the point I’m trying to make about there being a Tenerife many tourists don’t know.
“We did not feel we were on an island where mass tourism is considerable. Instead we found history & culture, a look into the lives of the people who lived & farmed the land many years ago & great diversity of landscape to walk through.”
And that is what it is all about.